You’re Ignorant

But You Must Forgive Yourself

Bryce Godfrey
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Ryoji Iwata on Unsplash

The Google definition of ignorant: lacking knowledge, awareness, or information in general.

I was ignorant or unknowledgeable or unaware (and still am in many areas) for the first 18 years of my life.

I believed the lies of music and movies: That I had to chase a woman to get her to like me. That I needed to confess my love. That I needed to feel sad if I didn’t get the love I wanted. And that by acting “sad”, she might have a change of heart.

I believed societal standards and compared myself to them, hurting my self-esteem and soul. I thought I was only good enough if I was famous, rich, had a chiseled jaw, and six-pack abs.

I believed my idols could do no wrong and lost myself trying to be them. I adopted all their traits — even the ones that appeared healthy or attractive on paper. I lost friends because I isolated myself and “trained” all day like Kobe Bryant. I got in trouble at work because I was vulgar and rebellious like Eminem.

I believed I could get what I wanted by getting people to feel sorry for me. It worked here and there. But I looked like a fool and appeared black-clouded and gave my power away when I didn’t get sympathy.

I believed I needed to “improve” myself to get approval. That I needed to alter my body language, eye contact, thoughts, and feelings to get people to like me. The tips and tricks worked, reinforcing the underlying belief that I wasn’t good enough unless I did x, y, and z. The tactics became my Thor’s hammer or Harry Potter’s wand: I felt naked and anxious without them. The “weapons” that I once used began to use me.

Most of what you “know” about yourself and the world is incorrect. You’re ignorant (according to the Google definition). You’re unaware of the Truth of who you are.

You are not your thoughts, feelings, physical body, successes, failures, “positive” or “negative” traits. You are not right, wrong, good, bad, democrat, republican, vegan, or carnivore.

You are Presence. Objective awareness. Boundless. The creator of your state of being.

Your parents lied to you. Your friends lied to you. The news lied to you. Your idols lied to you. Their lies were handed to them by another once upon a time.

You’re ignorant. I’m ignorant. They’re ignorant. Forgive and have compassion for all: you, me, them.

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Bryce Godfrey
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

I’ll help you reconnect to your true self | Authenticity | Trauma | Healing